The perfect winter facial routine!

The perfect winter facial routine!

Any skin care routine – whether in summer time or winter time, should necessarily comprise a simple routine: cleansing, hydrating, exfoliating and using sun protection. This is especially important in winter, when your skin is probably already taking a beating with the cold weather. Here’s a simple routine that will help you work your skin into something magical this winter!

Decking up for Christmas!

Red, green, white, gold and silver.
Think of Christmas and these will definitely be the colours on your mind. Wherever you may be in the world, the ubiquitous charm that Christmas has always held for humankind is encapsulated in these colours. Seasonal splurges aren’t exactly the best idea if you want to remain fashionable every day of the year, so here are some quick fix ways to ensure that you keep in tune with the season’s demands while still being pocket-friendly.

Lotus Herbals Tea Tree Face Wash: Review

By Kirthi 
Divassence! has been my sounding board for all things oily-skin – you guys have heard me saying this enough and more – my oil-ridden skin is just the perfect spot for the NATO’s next intervention. Ah well. I’ve just chanced upon what I’d say is rightfully the best solution for oily skin, in terms of face washes: The Lotus Herbals Tea Tree Wash.

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