The Body Shop Brazil Nut Shower Cream: Review

The Body Shop Brazil Nut Shower Cream: Review

There are certain impulsive purchases that I’ve made in the past that have worked for me at times and the rest.. well.. let’s just say I’ve regretted investing money in some of them. One such purchase I made, based on my amazing experience with The Body Shop Strawberry Shower Gel was The Body Shop Brazil Nut Shower Cream. When you take a guy to a store like TBS and he hurries you till you give up, impulsive purchases do happen and oh boy! oh boy! this spontaneous purchase a good one!! 
The Body Shop Brazil Nut Shower Cream

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Lotus Herbals Tea Tree Face Wash: Review

By Kirthi 
Divassence! has been my sounding board for all things oily-skin – you guys have heard me saying this enough and more – my oil-ridden skin is just the perfect spot for the NATO’s next intervention. Ah well. I’ve just chanced upon what I’d say is rightfully the best solution for oily skin, in terms of face washes: The Lotus Herbals Tea Tree Wash.

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Guest Post: Skincare Routine for Oily Skin

When I had done a post on My Skincare Routine (for Extremely Dry Skin), a few of you had mentioned that  it would be helpful if someone did one for oily skin too. So today, on the blog we have a guest post by Punam on her skincare routine for oily skin. Here’s what she has to say about herself: and her blog, Be Beautiful with Punam“Hello Divassence! readers! I am Punam from Be Beautiful with Punam.

I am an MBA by profession & wife of an orthopedic surgeon. The spark that drove me to  blog were the late night emergency patients in my husband’s hospital 🙂 kidding! 

I am here because of my love  to use different products, trying home remedies for myself and my baby who is one and half years old and then developing a review for it. So I thought of sharing these reviews with all, as a hobby.

My blog is a place where I share everything that makes me beautiful. So be beautiful with a lady, be beautiful with a mother, be beautiful with nature, and be beautiful to define, be beautiful & feel beautiful with Punam. “

Welcome to Divassence! Punam. Thank you for sharing your skincare routine with us. Now, over to Punam to explain her routine 🙂 

I have always hated my oily skin but that is probably because I never knew how I could take care of it. learned to understand it  and things that can work for it. And now I love it even more because it gave me the opportunity to be here in blogging world and to meet Divassence! and its lovely readers.

Here I am sharing my skin routine and few things that have helped me improve my skin. My skin routine is mixed with products and some simple ingredients that we all know but don’t incorporate them in our everyday skincare routine.

First of all, always choose products meant for your skin type and remember, you may need to change them as seasons change.