My hair is my pride and joy. I’m obsessed with hair care more than skincare and will do anything to ensure it looks healthy.
Length isn’t an issue since I prefer short to long anyway but healthy hair is something I’m never willing to compromise on. I make my own oil blends using carrier and essential oils.
Allin Exporters have a variety of essential and carrier oils (literally every single oil under the sun!). Allin Exporters website has detailed information on each product page and has a glossary of all the oils sold. When I went through the exhaustive list, I found a few rare oils that I had been searching for quite a while. For the purpose of reviewing, I chose Argan oil, Lavender oil (my favourite essential oil) and Amla oil.
I’ve been using the oils for more than a month and a half now and they do work! My hair’s lustre has improved considerably. I find the scent of the oils to be particularly strong. Apart from that, the quantity for the price is quite reasonable.
- Argan Oil: 390 INR for 15ml (at the time of writing this post it is on sale for 351 INR)
- Lavender Oil: 360 INR for 15ml (on sale for 324 INR)
- Amla Oil: 190 INR for 15ml (on sale for 170 INR)
I’m sharing a hair oil blend recipe which I’ve been using and loving. This particular blend helps treat hair fall, greying of hair and dull and damaged hair. If you have dandruff, this particular hair blend is very effective.
You’ll need:
- 1.5 tbsp olive oil (I use EVOO)
- 1.5 Coconut oil
- 1 tbsp Argan Oil
- 0.5 tbsp Castor Oil
- 5-10 drops Lavender Oil (You could use 10 drops if you aren’t using any other essential oil)
- 5 drops Amla oil (since it is 100% pure)

Preparation Method and how to use:
- I prefer making the oil blend as and when I want to use it. You could make the blend and store but make sure it is stored in a dark glass bottle.
- The oil can be slightly heated using the double boiler method for a hair and scalp massage.
- It’s best to leave the oil on the hair and scalp overnight for best results but another alternative if pressed for time or if you have sinus or prone to headaches would be to wrap the hair with a hot towel or shower after applying the oil and leaving it for atleast half an hour (you could leave it on for a longer period if you have the time) before washing your hair.
Why Lavender, Amla and Argan oils?
While an oil like Rosemary Essential oil is very effective for hair growth, lavender is an oil that can be used on all types of hair and helps prevent hair loss and promotes hair growth. Lavender oil acts as a moisturizer for the scalp and hair as well. It also helps treat dandruff. Honestly, lavender essential oil is my go-to oil which I literally mix in everything from my moisturizer to my hair oil, conditioner and even add a few drops on my pillow for better sleep and relaxation. Lavender essential oil is a milder oil compared to most of the essential oils so you could use few more drops in your blends as compared to other essential oils.
Amla or gooseberry is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C. It is used as a blend with other oils for healthy hair growth, to prevent premature greying of hair and for treating dandruff.
Argan oil (can be used as a carrier oil) is rich in Vitamin E, C and A, antioxidants and omega-6 fatty acids. Vitamin E not only promotes hair growth but also helps repair damaged hair. Omega-6 fatty acids promotes hair growth as well. Argan oil is a boon to the skin and hair in my opinion.
- Never use essential oils directly on your skin/hair/scalp. Applying essentials oils directly is called neat application and should be done only under the supervision of your physician/dermatologist since the oils cause irritation and redness.
- It is important to note that only a few drops of essential oils are required. Since these are concentrated, a few drops are effective.
- Carrier oils are oils that carry the essential oil(s) safely onto the skin or hair. So when applied, not only do you get the benefit of the essential oil but also the carrier oil. To name a few Olive oil, Coconut oil, Gingelly oil, Argan oil, Jojoba oil and Almond oil are all carrier oils.
Do let me know if you would like to see a detailed post on the benefits of each of the oils mentioned above.
Share your #DIY hair care recipe with me and other readers in the comments section below! 🙂