Life updates: Random thoughts and Happy 5th Blogiversary Divassence!


Hello September nature photography

The last three-four months weren’t good for me and I would say those were difficult times to get through. My grandfather’s health deteriorated, and although I was prepared to hear the worst, his demise left me devastated.

My mind and heart is still filled with his thoughts and love and I’m still learning to cope with the loss. His love for books got me into the habit of reading and using the dictionary and that led to writing. Champaks, Tinkles and Gokulams were my treats every fortnight/month and I used to look forward to story time with him. I feel like I’ve lost someone special but his memories and life lessons will always remain close to my heart.

life updates

Another thing is, every time I write I’m going to blog regularly or even say it out loud, it definitely gets jinxed. I even had plans of shutting down the blog for good and concentrate on other things in life, which is why I opted for a monthly payment of hosting services, just in case I decide to put an end to everything. It was a thought that was lingering on for quite some time.

A good friend of mine, whom I met through the blogging world, asked me why I wasn’t myself for the last couple of days and I honestly didn’t know why except that I was missing something. I missed taking pictures, I missed writing, I missed reading comments and interacting with others online and I knew I had to do something about it. I did not want to give up without trying. I set myself a challenge, which I will not reveal now, but by December if I do not reach my target, this blog will cease to exist.

8th September, i.e. tomorrow marks my five year blogging journey and there have been more downs than ups simply because I didn’t put much effort into it. I have only myself to blame. Hopefully when December comes, we’ll know the outcome of my current target and efforts.

By the way I have something very exciting coming up, actually TWO very exciting things coming up on the blog so hopefully that sets the positive tone around here! Here’s a sneak peek of one of them!

Kalamkari saree blouse chennai