Nivea Lip Butter in Caramel Cream: Review/Swatch

Winter is here and say hello to dry chapped lips, dry skin and cold sores that have made a grand entry yet again this year. They have successfully made themselves the talk of the town this winter season and are the woes of many souls. Companies come up with products year after year to fight them and sometimes they are successful but most of the time, well, victory lies in the hands of the evil.  
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Press Release: This Winter Keep Your Lips Looking Healthy and Protected With Vaseline Lip Therapy!

Chapped lips are a sign of winter. You bundle up in extra layers during the winter months, but your lips are still exposed to the sun, wind, cold, and dry air. With its excellence in skin care, what better than Vaseline lip therapy to nourish your chapped lips.  Let your lips speak louder than your words with Vaseline Lip Therapy!

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