Hey there!

I’m not going to start off with the same old cliché “I’m back!” dialogue. Let’s get down to business, shall we?
I haven’t blogged for almost a year now and I understand that is a complete no-no unless I want everyone to forget me and my blog. Well, I’m not going to lie, it has been quite the year, least to say.
When people use the word ‘adulting’ I dismiss it saying the word doesn’t make sense but goddamnit, I had to step up and do some serious adulting in the past year. I’m not getting into details here but let’s just say there were major life decisions I had to make, some turned out pretty decent and others, not so good. But I have to live with that.
Amidst all this, I realised that I need to focus on myself. As much as one’s physical health is important, what people don’t realise is that one’s mental health is way more important and requires TLC.
They teach you to smile and be polite to others but have they taught you to be kind to yourself? Have you ever stopped, looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled? Have you ever told yourself you’re beautiful? Have you been polite to yourself and not criticised every little thing you did? I used to be that person who only found faults with myself and if anything went wrong, I would take the blame. I’ve realised I’ve been harsh on myself and I need to stop and give myself credit for everything I’ve done right, and learn from the mistakes I’ve made.
I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of focusing on problems and worrying about the future, I’ve started living in the present appreciating the smaller things in life. I had forgotten how it was to stop and look around to appreciate life and be thankful for everything or how a simple act of being kind to myself could make me happy. It’s not always about others. It’s about YOU. If you’re reading this, here’s a life lesson I learnt the hard way. Put yourself first, respect yourself, be kind to yourself, and everything will fall in place.
I’ve got a lot to ramble about but first, I just wanted to check in and say hello, my name is Deepika and welcome (back) to my blog. I know the entire blogging scene has changed and people prefer watching videos over reading a good old blog post but that is not going to stop me from writing. I want to write on topics that will not only add value to those who spend time reading my posts but also gives me immense satisfaction at the end of the day. Let me know what you’d like to see in this space – be it reviews, general topics, fashion posts or anything under the sun! I’m not going to promise that there’ll be regular content immediately but eventually, I’ll find a way to streamline and schedule posts.
Hopefully. 🙂