Hola!! How is your weekend coming along? I would say so far so good for me but looking forward to a good fun-filled Sunday to end the weekend on an awesome note.
In the past one week, I’ve watched three movies out of which I hated 2. The Conjuring was a nightmare, in the sense it was terrible! I mean c’mon! a typical happy family moving to a house in the middle of nowhere.. and of course the house is haunted! Duh!! The movie wasn’t scary in any angle!!
To compete with The Conjuring on my hate list is Chennai Express. Touted to be an entertainer, this one is breaking box office records BUT it is a mindless, senseless sad movie. I had posted this on my facebook page the same day I had watched the movie: ” Chennai Express was a failure on so many levels.. SRK’s lack of intelligence and common sense, Deepika Padukone’s irritating accent which makes you want to punch her because her hindi, tamil and English were terrible (where did she land from? Mars?) and no we don’t wear a half saree after marriage :: And I’ve never seen villages where people are jobless. And seriously, if this was meant to be entertaining then I don’t know where Indian cinema is heading. I did enjoy a scene or two though. Finally last but not the least, the movie was such “bokkwaas”!! —
feeling tired.” So that sums up my review!!

The Colony, although slow in pace was an interesting movie. It showed the extent people would go to in order to survive and it made me think about our so called “sixth sense”. I would recommend The Colony over the other two. Don’t even bother with the other two unless you have a lot of time to waste. If you do have a lot of time to waste read my blog instead! 😛
If you’ve read my Random Clicks post you’ll know my obsession of clicking pictures of flowers. I spend some time every week just randomly clicking pictures of flowers that bloom there. Here are three more that caught my fancy last week.
Okay, so I took pictures for a tutorial last week. Nothing fancy but just a simple one on how to make kaajal last longer on the waterline without smudging. What do you think? Should I post it or not? 😛
My Independence Day manicure is something I’ve been flaunting for the past 4 days. I personally find it to be okkkaaaayyy as I can see a lot of mistakes (I’m pretty hard on myself you see! :P). What do you think of it?
I’ve been wearing a lot of silver accessories this weekend and last week and these silver bangles and bracelets were my favourite of the lot! And did I tell you guys that a new fashion segment is going to be up on the blog soon? Ahhh another fashion blah blah you might say! But wait before you dismiss this off as a bore, let me tell you that I’m going to talk about and show you guys what I’m best at: Indian ethnic fashion! You can expect an overdose of Indian jewellery, art forms, sarees and much more! More details on that tomorrow!!
There is a contest running on the blog ladies! It’s called the “Two To Tango” Eye makeup contest. More details here. The contest ends in 14 days. Looking forward to your entries and your support to make this contest a huge success! 🙂
So that was my weekly ramblings ladies! How was your week? What plans for Sunday?