Zap that Oil!

Grandma’s Words of Wisdom


The goodness of traditional wisdom has never been beaten try as you might by looking at options in the comfort of a little plastic bottle or a cute plastic tube. So here’s a little trinket from Divassence’s
treasure box, which holds plenty of worldly wisdom from some of our favourite women- our
Zap that oil!
Have you ever run past your days wondering why your face feels like an Oil Field? Have you been frustrated to the point of wondering why your skin decided to become like the Middle East and its Oil Reserves? Don’t fret! Divassence has some simple home remedies from the time-tested ancient lore of Grandmotherly wisdom, to help you tide over the Oil Crisis!
  • Fenugreek seeds are also an amazing skin remedy. Soak about two or three teaspoons of fenugreek seeds overnight, and then grind it into a paste. Use the paste on your skin, and wash it off after it dries up. It helps remove excess oil from your skin. Store the paste for up to a week at the most.
  • Mixing and applying equal portions of un-boiled raw milk and cucumber juice with a few drops of lemon is a perfect remedy for oily skin.
  • Wheat flour made into a paste with water and massaged onto your skin removes excess oil from your skin.
  • Applying cucumber juice or rose water is a great toner for oily skin.

Written by Kirthi Jayakumar for Divassence!

So how do you zap that oil? Tell us about your home remedies in the space below!